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quinta-feira, fevereiro 02, 2006


I hate everything...
I hate who I am...
I hate my life...
I hate where I live...
I hate this Damn sun...
I hate this heat...
I hate... to live...
I hate.... the envy people around me...
I hate the things my family do with me...
I hate be the one always guilty...
Despite I am or not...
I am always guilty...
I hate this...
I just... don't hate... more my life...
Because... I have...
a small...
a tiny...
but a love...
love for the moon...
love for that girl...
People... to love me...
People... my donors... I can suck... theier energy...
And be less hateful...
Less dreadful...
Father Caim...
Mother Lilith...
God Cernunnos...
Goddess Hecate...
Take me out... of this...
I'm not happy...
I'm never entirely happy...
And... I'm afraid... I'll never be... happy again...
Happy... children are happy... with their happy dreams...
My dreams are always dying...
And I'm dying with them...
But... I'm searching... a path... for imortality...
To be...
In pain...
To be...
and ever...
and after that...
Just... a wistful...
and lonely guy...
Who hates...
his life...
PLEASE... HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 Comentário(s):

Blogger Candy (me) said...

Hate can be a positive thing too if you take that strong energy and transform it into deep positive things.. my dear, happiness is in small things in life.. and in your profile you mention some of these things.. another way to feel happiness is to touch other people's hearts.. as you did mine.. your kindness is a ray of light.. and should also glow inside your heart..
Here are some very touching words i once read and never forgot:

"Considero a vida humana como uma noite profunda e triste, que não se suportaria se, num ponto ou noutro, não rutilassem repentinos clarões, de uma luminosidade tão consoladora e maravilhosa que seus segundos podem apagar e justificar anos de escuridão." (Herman Hesse)

Honey.. the sudden bursts of light are "us" reaching out to each other.. thank you for being my friend..

My eternal kisses to you my dear..

fevereiro 04, 2006 7:27 PM  
Anonymous Anônimo said...

Some times the live can be in the more deep darkeness but one day u can look to the sky and see how the light can be and u just need go for.
Don't wait, don't be afraid, don't worry your live don't be without friends becouse you are happy, we doesn't need attention, we don't be sad for attention

fevereiro 28, 2006 10:46 PM  

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